Monday, May 12, 2014
4 COPE/CE hours total
6:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. (Registration begins at 5:30 p.m.)
JC Penney Conference Center
Tuition ~ BEFORE May 8, 2014
• Optometrist's fee: $99.00
• Manager's/Assistant's fee: $85.00
Tuition ~ AFTER May 8, 2014
• Optometrist's fee: $135.00
• Manager's/Assistant's fee: $120.00
John McGreal, OD, will teaching two courses:
Cope ID: 32570-PM Medicare Coding and Biling Part I (2 hrs CE) Review the latest CMS changes in E/M coding, eye coding, fee schedules, documentation and compliance. Learn how to properly charge for services, evaluate fee schedule, document the medical record and reduce audit risk.
Cope ID: 32571-PM Medicare Coding and Biling Part II (2 hrs CE) Review the latest CMS changes in E/M coding, eye coding, fee schedules, documentation and compliance. Learn how to properly charge for services, evaluate fee schedule, document the medical record and reduce audit risk.
Register Online:
Please mail to:
Jennifer Clemente, UM-St. Louis
JC Penney Conf. Ctr., Room 302
One University Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63121-4400
(Payment must accompany registration.
You will not be registered
without payment.)
For questions:
Lis Ellerbusch (314) 516-5615
To register by phone:
Jennifer Clemente (314) 516-5994