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Excitement is Building as the New Patient Care Center Begins to Take Shape

The University Eye Center is abuzz with talk of the new Patient Care Center.  It can be heard as patients are escorted down the halls passing images of the finished project, as staff catch a glimpse out the window while the bones of the building go up, and as tours of potential students and family are given by those excited to begin clinic rotations in the new facility.  It is difficult to find someone in the College of Optometry who will not be positively impacted by the construction taking place just two hundred yards away. 

During a recent walk-through, Dean Larry Davis and Dr. Vinita Henry (Director of Clinical Operations) were able to see firsthand just how far construction has progressed.  Examination rooms have been framed, there is asphalt in the parking lot, and the second floor is sturdy as you can see in the following photos.


Dr. Henry stated, “The construction crew is moving right along on the new building.  It was exciting to walk around in it and see the rooms and hallways, even though it is still studs.  I have had positive comments from other UMSL folks about how fast it is going up.”  She shared this picture of the space that will house the Patient Care Center’s Dispensary.


Just through the opening that will eventually be a large glass window, is the current location for the University Eye Center.  Excitement runs high as faculty, staff, and students watch the construction from Marillac Hall. 

Continuing construction can be viewed online at the UMSL College of Optometry home page ( ).  There are two live views, the west camera angle shown in this picture, and the east camera angle.  The live construction feed will be available until completion of the building. 

