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Dr. Cinnamon Langford

A perfect example is Dr. Cinnamon Langford (‘05) who was recently featured in a video available on the Pujols Family Foundation facebook site pertaining to her visits to the Dominican Republic where she provided eye care. 

Most people know the Pujols Family Foundation is a national not-for-profit agency that exists to honor God and strengthen families through their works, deeds, and example. The foundation was established by former St. Louis Cardinals icon Albert Pujols and his wife Deidre.  What you may not realize is that the services provided to those in need are quite comprehensive, including vision care as Dr. Langford relates, “I got started with the Pujols Family Foundation when I was asked to go on one of their first medical mission trips to the Dominican Republic in 2008 along with several others from the practice I work for, Clarkson Eyecare.”

On these mission trips she performed eye examinations, diagnosed and treated eye disease, and provided glasses to those in need. In the video it is evident that her services are greatly needed. “Out of the areas I had seen that the Pujols Family Foundation had been to and offer services, I could clearly see where progress had been made.  But then going to one of the villages where no one had been before there was clearly a difference.  The need is still so great  and ongoing that even the one’s who are serviced need to be served continuously.”

Her most recent visit was especially meaningful and certainly unforgettable as she relates: “The one thing that will always leave an impression on me—just deep down—is when we got to the Dominican Republic and then all of a sudden Hurricane Sandy hits on a day when we were supposed to go to a village where no medical team had been before and we were getting word the people in the village expected us to come.  With the people in the village all waiting for us, all of us shifted into this collective ‘we’ve got to go’.  Obviously getting there was a big ordeal, but it was just so rewarding when we arrived. This was because all of these lines of people were waiting for us even though the conditions were horrible and everyone was soaked and just the difference we were able to make in their lives. It was worth the risk and I will never forget that.”

The heartwarming experiences she has encountered during her visits, and the large number of people she has impacted by improving the quality of life, is no surprise to anyone who knew her as a student. Her caring and empathetic demeanor was predictive of a future optometrist who would place the care of others foremost in her career. And she is not finished with her lifelong commitment to this honorable foundation, “The magnitude of the need is still present and just being able to see that reflected when I was there both times and to see how much they appreciate the help they receive was very fulfilling.  There is still so much to do and that’s what keeps me coming back.  Through these experiences and others since then, I have come to greatly admire and appreciate what the Pujols Family Foundation stands for and the work being done, both in the Dominican Republic, as well as with the Down Syndrome community here in St Louis and other cities.  I consider it an honor to be able to use the skills and abilities God's given me through providing eye care to help give back to those in need.”